What is Trauma?
Trauma can be big or small, and includes any events that cause significant distress that we can't easily move on from. Trauma symptoms can happen after a one-time event, such as a traffic accident, or multiple events over time, such as childhood abuse. Signs that something might be trauma include things like:
Flashbacks or distressing memories
Ruminating thoughts or negative feelings about the event
Avoiding thinking about the event
Feeling on guard or hypervigilant
Examples of Trauma
Many things can cause trauma symptoms, such as
Physical or sexual abuse
Wartime experiences
Witnessing violence
Unexpected or painful medical events
Unexpected death of a loved one

Complex Trauma
Traumatic events can be things that happen to us in the present, as well as early life events that can have lasting effects into adulthood. Sometimes traumatic events in early life may seem minor but can have a significant impact on a person's adult life. Early life trauma might be caused by abuse, neglect, or other things we would all recognize as traumatic (often called "big 'T' trauma") or it might look like growing up with a parent who yelled a lot or a caregiver who was extremely critical (often referred to as "little 't' trauma"). Complex trauma can cause a wide range of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, panic, overwhelm, flashbacks, or chronic pain or illness.
There are many approaches to working with trauma. Click here to learn more about EMDR, one of our favorite tools for working with trauma.